Hey! So I might be procrastinating homework....
And I'm a little hopped up on French coffee so forgive me. There was the most adorable Shitzu puppy at the coffee shop with this guy and I wanted to pet it really badly and I kept watching it. But people don't ask to pet other people's pets here and I didn't want to be awkward, so I kept watching it.
So what you've missed: I went to Versailles, it was lovely. I got to see the whole chateau, gardens, and then Marie Antoinette's hamlet. I don't know how much my faithful readers know about Marie Antoinette, so I'll tell you the story behind the Hamlet because it makes the visit cooler.
So Marie Antoinette was a Polish princess, and like most royal marriages it was arranged to expand the influence of both families. She was killed in the revolution (famous last words: let them eat cake) and is very famous for it. Marie was a bit crazy and built her own idealistic Peasant village complete with a pond, (fake lighthouse included), colored sheep, peasant actors, acres of sunflowers, and roaming peacocks. She never wore the same dress twice.
So it was really cool to see the little world she created for herself. She was the only queen who didn't live in Versailles while the French government was established there.
I also got to see the mansions built for the mistresses to the kings, one of which is now used for the most important diplomatic visitors (you guessed it, Barack Obama stayed there). It was beautiful, with perfect gardens in the back, and pink marble. There were at least 4 couples getting their wedding pictures done there while we were visiting.
The gardens were also beautiful. We were lucky and got to see most of the fountains running. It is impossible to run all of the fountains at once. When the king lived at Versailles, servants would turn on the fountains as he came near them. Okay, so no more history lessons, I promise.
I also started classes. I have classes all day tuesdays and thursdays, and none on MWF, which is a long day. Hopefully I will be able to make a good schedule where I can finish my homework on those off days. All my classes seem really tough, but I think I will be able to manage.
Miss you all!
I Rebuke This Comeback in the Name of Rattails
4 weeks ago